Post-doctoral Research Fellow and Teaching Staff
The Department of Linguistics
Macquarie University
Dr. Sixin Liao is a post-doctoral research fellow and teaching staff at the department of Linguistics at Macquarie University. Affiliated with the Macquarie University Centre for Reading and the Performance and Expertise Research Centre, her research focuses on subtitles, audiovisual translation, eye movements, news translation, cognitive processing, and visual attention.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Eye tracking as a quantitative approach in audiovisual translation: Methods and applications
Date: May 28, 2025 AM-
Venue: TBC
Eye tracking, a technique for recording real-time eye movements, has become a valuable tool for investigating the cognitive processes underlying information processing. Its application in translation and interpreting studies, particularly in audiovisual translation (AVT), has gained increasing momentum in recent years. Over the past decade, advances in eye-tracking technology, coupled with more sophisticated statistical methods for analyzing eye-movement data, has transformed its application in AVT research.
This workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to using eye tracking in empirical research, covering essential stages from formulating research questions to publishing study results. It will begin with an overview of fundamental principles for conducting an eye-tracking experiment, including guidance on selecting appropriate eye trackers, designing robust experiments, preparing stimuli, and recruiting participants. The workshop will also cover data analysis using generalized/linear mixed effects models in R, focusing on data cleaning, selecting eye-movement measures based on research questions, and presenting results in line with journal publication standards. Finally, it will provide an overview of empirical research on eye tracking in AVT, highlighting the emerging trends and future directions in the field. By the end of the workshop, participants will gain practical knowledge in applying eye tracking to empirical studies, enhancing the methodological rigor and interdisciplinary potential of their research.